Archive for films

Preparing for the Apocalypse

Posted in Films with tags , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , on April 19, 2016 by Jess

So ahead of X Men Apocalypse coming soon i have finally watched First Class and Days of Future Past.

First Class to start with! I really enjoyed it. James McAvoy and Michael Fassbender are a great fit for the younger McKellen and Stewart!

Erik is such a confusing character. I find it quite difficult to see him as a proper baddie because he’s not really. He’s just not the best ideas of how to deal with things, but does want to protect mutants. I had the same problem with Ian McKellen’s version. I can’t help but like him a bit. Also seeing his back story in this film just reinforced that further. I mean I’m not into murder being a good thing but the way he got back at Shaw in the end – cheering at my TV! Bloody brilliant.

Interesting to see Mystique (sp?) being Charles’ good friend knowing it flips to her siding with Erik in the later set versions. Seems through Days of Future Past she’s still a bit between the two of them. Let’s see how Apocalypse goes.

I wish i remembered more about the cold war and cuban missile crisis from my GCSE history days as i felt a bit muddled up at times but it made for an interesting setting and i like how it shows mutants being part of everyday life and history we know.

One of my favourite moments was meeting Hank. Realising he wasn’t scary furry blue man yet so when he was suggesting an experimental drug i though…well Hank…think we all know how this is going to go buddy.

Also A+ cameo from a never aging Hugh Jackman…but i suppose that ability of his is explained.

Speaking of! Days of Future Past.

Well this was a fun one! Fantastic way to bring both generations of Erik and Charles together! All very dramatic. That speedy kid who sits around playing games is that the same fella from Avengers: Age of Ultron? Friends with Scarlet Witch? Quicksilver is it? He’s been doubled up a bit there.

I spent most of this film thinking “ERIK..WHAT ARE YOU EVEN DOING?!” We just never know what is going on inside his head. You think he wants one thing then he changes his mind. Yes, we need to get rid of Raven so she doesn’t kill that guy that leads to the destruction of all mutants. General plan seems to be…don’t let people see mutants as dangerous. No..Erik has a better idea…make them see mutants as so dangerous that they’re a massive threat. HOW IS THAT HELPING ERIK?! The only side he’s on is his own.

Final thing, cleverly done X-Men folk. Zooming back into the past and treading on a few butterflies..what a way to pretty much wipe out the original X-Men trilogy. Or at least any fatalities. Excited to see where it all goes.

May the force be with you

Posted in Films with tags , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , on December 30, 2015 by Jess

Obvious title. I know. But there you have it.


I feel like i should sort of make clear where i stand with Star Wars. As a fan of Star Wars itself i’m rather neutral. I’ve never disliked it but i’ve never been totally nuts about it. I’ve seen the original trilogy, fully all the way through, once – but i certainly know enough about them generally. I’ve also seen the Family Guy skits quite a few times….i mean…that’s gotta be worth something right?

The prequels. I’ve seen Attack of the Clones all the way through. Phantom Menace i admit i know VERY little about except maybe some big moments and some characters, and i’ve seen bits of and basically get the jist of episode iii.

My neutral-ness is not fully out of choice. I was not alive when the original trilogy came out, i didn’t grow up around people who loved it and therefore made me watch it. When the prequels were all the rage i was SUPER into Lord of the Rings and that was sort of the centre of my world. My best friend was super into Star Wars though so i certainly got my fair share of knowledge and, if i do say so myself, became a pretty epic commander of the AT-AT on Star Wars Battlefront for PlayStation 1….yeah.

All that said, i totally get how big a deal this was. I’m a general fandom person. I love my films i love my fandom madness. Every time i saw the trailer in the cinema i would cry. I cried when we first saw Han and Chewie in the trailer because i knew how much of a big deal it was. I very much like JJ Abrams and, especially after all the brilliant reactions from everyone, did really want to see this film.

Generally – i really loved it! Enjoyed it immensely! Loved the story and the characters and some of the twists and turns and how everything fit together. I loved the odd little nod back to the original trilogy without it getting completely bogged down in it AND having the original characters there for a totally plausible plot and reason which i think is fantastic!

Okay, maybe bit by bit is easiest.

Rey – i love her. I love her. She’s fantastic. What a brilliant central character to have! I’m so relieved to see her as a character. She was clever, she was witty, she was completely kick ass and she didn’t have any romantic intentions!!! Do you know how rare that is for a female character?! Especially a lead. Because she didn’t need them! And she was sassy without being all “ohh us ladies are so brilliant oh you men *rolls eyes* and i shall use my flirty ways in a sassy manner and never show any kind of emotion without completely breaking out of my bad-ass ways because that’s how strong women work” which i am kind of totally bored of at the moment. Plus it wasn’t made into a big thing like “woah, you? a girl? can do stuff?” Yeah people were a bit like “oh she can actually take care of herself” surprised at times, but it fit and came across just as a person, not specifically because she was a girl. She was just part of the gang and she was so badass and she was perfect. Can’t wait to see more of her.

Also bigging it up for the ladies we now have a top storm-trooper sporting the girl power! Silver too. Nice. That is, if she didn’t end up in the trash compactor. Heh.

Finn – i love the idea of this guy! I love the idea of a storm trooper who doesn’t want to be a storm trooper any more! Gives a real humanity to the big white suits that i’ve never really felt before. He’s also so good at being funny without completely over-doing it!

The oldies – sorry to group them all! Specifically Han, Chewie, Leia and Luke. YEY for having these guys around. As i said above i love that having them there wasn’t just for the sake of it, it was totally plausible. Plus i liked that Luke was pretty much kept as a tease. Han and Leia – n’aww. Bless them! But they were so realistic weren’t they?! I loved that. They were so how these characters would be when they were older.

Ohhh and a lovely little hello to C3PO and R2D2, wouldn’t have been the same without them eh! But they’ve sure got some competition now with BB-8! The cutest little droid EVER right?!

Kylo Ren – so, his actual name was Ben right? I heard that correctly didn’t i? This guy. I mean. You okay bro? Interesting twist of it being Han and Leia’s son!! But he’s basically a stroppy teenager right now isn’t he? Like dude even your big hero buddy Vader didn’t kill a member of his own family like right to his face. Too far man….too far.

Speaking of…

The death of Mr Solo. Now, i had done amazingly well in not being spoiled for this film, i hadn’t even tried very hard. But this was, unfortunately, the one thing i got told, many times, in increasing volume, by the 6 year old son of a friend of mine. Not to worry. He’s basically lucky Star Wars didn’t mean as much to me as it could have! So i knew this was coming, but i didn’t know how or when! When it got to the moment..i sort of guessed it..then went back and forth in my head…and then it happened and it still totally got me. Cried.

As an Andy Serkis fan i was looking out for him in this film! About half way through i decided he was Snoke. I mean, it’s Andy Serkis – of course you’re not going to be able to see his face in a film! Ha! Plus i assume as the king of motion-capture he did that for his role? Having stared at him quite closely i reckon so but will have to look into it.

Also, either this was common knowledge that completely passed me by or it was actually a bit of a sneaky – Simon Pegg! Saw him pop up in the credits and was like “errm…say what now?”. I think he was the…big junk yard guy, the payment one. Possibly. And Lupita Nyong’o as Maz – also i think a bit of motion capture going on there? Well as much as possible. I really loved Maz as a character, hope we see more of her.

So, there you have it. My laptop battery is about to die and i’ve probably missed stuff out but – that’s the rambling of your fairly neutral Star Wars fan. I’ll certainly be eagerly awaiting the next installments! I’m so happy it’s been getting such praise and fans old and new are so pleased with it.

Our lives were never ours…

Posted in Films with tags , , , , , , , , , , , , , , on December 22, 2015 by Jess

I never got to mention Mockingjay Part 2! End of November was a bit hectic and i know this might be old news now but I’m going to do a short one anyway.

Overall i really enjoyed it! The Hunger Games for me became one of those things where i heard all about the books and the story but never read them myself. Thanks to my friends and my dad and the internet, i knew quite a lot of the story but with these it didn’t both me, i enjoyed them just as much.

Blimey, the other films have had their moments but this one was TENSE! That whole scene fighting the crazy creatures underground? Holy moly. I’m sure Katniss should have been killed a few times in there considering what happened to her.

Some really high emotion for sure.

It was cool how with Peeta and President Coin (is it spelt that way?) and things there was a lot of distrust of the characters to be who you expected. But that final shot from Katniss? Knew it!

Shoutout to Donald Sutherland by the way! He’s quite underrated in these films i think. He’s so good at being calm yet completely evil. His last scene where he was manically laughing, jeez that was disturbing!

Also i think it should be a rule that if you want me to be concentrating on someone in a scene, don’t put a cat in it. I will be spending ALL of my energy concentrating on whether the cat is okay and gets a happy ending.

Seriously. Have you seen Life of Pi? Watched that recently…didn’t care about anything other than the tiger being okay for most of the time.

The epilogue was interesting. I’m told that wasn’t in the book. I always find jumping a few years and seeing the kids with kids a little odd, but i suppose it was nice to show the change in the world in general and how Katniss clearly felt she could now have children without the worry of the games.

I think the films were all done very well! Brilliant cast and i may not know how well it was translated from the book but it all made sense to me.

You’re making me angry

Posted in Uncategorized with tags , , , , , , , , , , , , on November 1, 2015 by Jess

I saw that Ang Lee’s Hulk with Eric Bana (from 2003) was on TV so i thought i might as well continue my Marvel education.

I’d heard it wasn’t brilliant…so thought I’d see for myself.

I didn’t think it was THAT bad. I thought the whole Hulk thing was pretty in the whole CGI-ness and things i thought that was really well done. The huge flying-leaping thing was a bit odd but i got into it after a while. In hindsight I’m impressed with how the story all fit together like a puzzle throughout but this did make watching it for the first time a little confusing. I wasn’t sure if i was supposed to understand what had happened or whether we’d find out later (which we did). I remember thinking the same with one or two of the Iron Man films.

It was probably longer than it needed to be. I recorded it on TV and zoomed through the adverts and it was still super long. It probably would have been half the length if there hasn’t been so many elongated shots of characters staring at eachother and random shots of moss. I understand the theme they were going for but all the messed up animals didn’t sit well with me personally. I know it’s not real but man, i don’t want to see animal testing and psycho dogs.

What i did like is that it was the origin story. I’ve seen Edward Norton’s Hulk which seems to kick off almost where Eric Bana’s finishes but…still does a really similar story-line with Betty. The origin was sort of glossed over there which i can understand, especially since this film was only made 5 years previous.

Still a shame Mark Ruffalo didn’t get his own Hulk film as i personally think he’s the best one but i don’t really think it could be justified at this stage. They’ll probably make it before they make a Black Widow film though *grump*.

So i didn’t dislike the film..but it certainly wasn’t the best thing I’ve ever seen. I feel it had a lot of potential but directional choices maybe let it down. It was all so dark! Could hardly see a thing in some important moments and everyone was so intense they were either staring at eachother or were right up in each other’s faces harshly whispering.

Also i love Eric Bana he’s a great actor  (see the 2009 Stat Trek film and Troy..especially Troy..he’s magic in that) but that really didn’t show in this film. It didn’t really show with anybody. I mean I’m no film director but there was a lot of me thinking “really? You couldn’t get any more emotion out of that scene?”

Anyway. I’m back onto X-Men now and I’ve watched First Class, but I’ll wait until I’ve seen Days of Future Past and blog about them together maybe!

Live. Die. Repeat.

Posted in Films with tags , , , , , , , , , on September 1, 2015 by Jess

Apologies, there may be a sudden onslaught of me blogging about films that i’ve been watching recently. They’re not necessarily new films but were new to me! (With some it’s quite awful how long i’ve taken to getting round to watching them).

This is sort of recent though, and not something i would have necessarily chose to watch but my dad seems to quite enjoy Tom Cruise films and i was making the most of a subscription to Now TV that i’d paid for!

“The Edge of Tomorrow” starring Tom Cruise and Emily Blunt. You wouldn’t guess that that was the name of the film considering the DVD and posters and most of the promotional stuff is covered in “LIVE. DIE. REPEAT”. But there you have it.

I was quite skeptical about this film when i first heard about it because i was like “really? Groundhog Day with aliens?” but it actually really surprised me and i enjoyed it a lot!

The action and humour integrated together really well and it’s clever how they make the whole “day repeating” thing work without it getting annoying and without watching the same scenes over and over again but slightly differently.

Also i’m all up for some cool action scenes but sometimes with films it can seem a bit gratuitous and for the sake of it but i didn’t feel that with this film at all as i was really sucked into the story of it and cared about the characters involved.

I wish this were a more coherent post but it’s actually been a little while since i saw it. But it left enough of an impression on my that i wanted to write about it so….there’s your recommendation!

Last thing i will say though is the cast is great! You can’t dislike Tom Cruise he’s a great guy, Brendan Gleeson is in it! That’s a win in every scenario, and i really like Emily Blunt. She seems to fit all sorts of roles whether in horror films, period drama’s, Devil Wears Prada or a bad-ass action film. I like when films have female character whose sole purpose isn’t to be the love interest of the lead, especially love interest disguised as “strong woman” but goes damsel in distress the minute they meet some handsome hazel eyes.

“It’s not a bee, it’s a wasp. Different thing entirely”

Posted in Books, Films with tags , , , , , , , , , , , , , , on July 2, 2015 by Jess

I was lucky enough to recently win a twitter competition where the prize was a poster for “Mr Holmes” signed by Sir Ian McKellen. The sound i made when the postman brought it was probably rather worrying but. It is now in pride of place on my bedroom wall. Now, i’ve finally seen the film!

**If you’ve not seen the film there’ll be mild spoilers from here on out so if you want to wait until you’ve seen it to read this then go ahead!**

I really really enjoyed this film. It is based on the book “A Slight Trick of the Mind” by Mitch Cullin which i shall definitely try to read soon i think. It’s such a lovely story and a wonderful new take on a character we are so familiar with.

The quote i’ve used in the title is the first we hear from Holmes. You don’t realise how much it sets up the film at the time.

To summarise, in this film we see a 93 year old Sherlock Holmes, about 30 years into his retirement from his detective work. Upon the death of his brother (…someone correct me if i’m wrong but does he say “a few months ago” that his brother died? Because to my understanding Mycroft is definitely older than Sherlock. Living long lives all around i guess!) he is given a copy of all of the stories written by Dr Watson that he has never actually read. He reads the story of his final case that sent him into retirement but is convinced the ending has been changed.

Unfortunately in his old age the once brilliant mind we have all come to know and love is starting to struggle.

Whilst going to some strange lengths to help restore his mind and figure out the reason behind the sudden loss of some of his wonderful bees, Holmes is desperate to remember the truth behind his final case and write it for himself before he dies. Luckily, he has young Roger (played brilliantly by Milo Parker) the son of his house-keeper (played by Laura Linney) to help.

Let’s start with Ian McKellen. This guy really is just a stand out talent isn’t he?! He’s just legendary. He’s one of those actors where he almost makes those around him look like worse actors just because they’re playing opposite him. Seeing his transformation to 93 year old Holmes was somewhat eerie. I mean we’re often familiar with fairly young actors playing a variety of ages and they’re given the standard wrinkles and eye bags and grey hair to age them but you know they clearly aren’t that age.

With Ian McKellen it was seamless to the point of slightly unnerving. I don’t know whether it’s because he is, in the most respectful of ways, an older actor and therefore the transformation seems less far-fetched? I don’t know. I found myself watching the flashback scenes and suddenly thinking “oh yes of course, Ian isn’t ACTUALLY that old is he”. His physical transformation from an acting perspective was outstanding.

Milo Parker is wonderful as Roger! He’s definitely one to watch in the future!

Also Laura Linney. She was very good in this film and i’ve nothing against her at all she’s a fantastic actress. She and Bill Condon seem to work together quite a lot. She’s been in at least 3 other films he’s directed in the past – the latest being “The Fifth Estate” which i’ve written about in the past). Maybe it’s my issue maybe i was just distracted by that knowledge and she was by no means wrong for the role but i couldn’t help feeling it didn’t HAVE to be her. If you get my meaning. Also she has quite a strong regional accent in this film and with quite a unique tone to her voice the edges between that and her natural American accent seemed to blur at the edges at times.

But, as i say, that may well have been my issue. I spoke to my dad after and he didn’t even notice and didn’t know she was American.

But a lot of directors have their trusty cast members don’t they? And i really like that to be honest! Bill Condon has also worked with Ian McKellen before and will be working with him again in the live action “Beauty and the Beast” (can’t WAIT for that, have you seen the cast list for that? It just gets better and better). Composers too! Shout-out to Carter Burwell who did the score for this film, which i enjoyed immensely! He’s done scores for Condon in the past such as “The Fifth Estate” and “The Twilight Sage: Breaking Dawn” parts 1 and 2.

Even for the smaller roles in Mr Holmes there was some marvelous casting. Roger Allam, Philip Davis, Patrick Kennedy, Frances de la Tour (who i am very much a fan of but her, possibly thankfully, brief role in this film was rather cheesy). I confess my favourite choice though was definitely John Sessions as Mycroft. He only very appeared in the film for a minute or so but i was overly happy to see him.

I’ve probably spoken about this before but John Sessions is a BIG Sherlock Holmes fan. He won Celebrity Mastermind answering questions about it. In the commentary of “The Great Game” (the BBC Sherlock episode in which Sessions appears) Mark Gatiss says something about this and not knowing he was such a fan or he would have given him a bigger role. John also played Sir Arthur Conan Doyle in an episode of ITV series Mr Selfridge.

One wonderful slightly “sneaky” bit of casting was for the part of a fictional Sherlock Holmes in a film that our Mr Holmes goes to see. I had wondered briefly if what they showed was an actually adaptation from that period but alas no. The man playing Sherlock Holmes in this is Nicholas Rowe who ,if you are a fan of the many adaptations out there, you may recognise as the star of “Young Sherlock Holmes” from 1985. Genius.

I must finish with a slight grievance relating to this adaptation of the lovely Dr Watson. Because what is a Holmes without a Watson? Well, apparently the Holmes in this film. I didn’t even really have a problem with him not being in it, the film is not about Holmes and Watson it is about Holmes in retirement so i didn’t expect him. It was the implications of their relationship i was a bit sniffy about. Holmes stating he had felt alone all his life and that he and Watson were estranged in the years before John died so they never got to say goodbye and the general sort of..unimportance he was presented with. *Pouty face* no thank you.

But! This story is not canonical and is not about the two of them so apart from a slight niggle it didn’t bother me greatly and certainly didn’t do any disservice to the film.

Marvel Madness

Posted in Films with tags , , , , , , , , , , , , on April 6, 2015 by Jess

So! Finally i get to write this post! Over the past few weeks i’ve been delving into the Marvel universe for the first time!

Well..that’s sort of a lie. I have seen the Spiderman films with Tobey McGuire which i adore (except the 3rd one…i mean..just why), i have seen the first Amazing Spiderman (i shall hopefully watch the second one soon) and the first 3 X-Men films, which I really need to re-watch. Plus First Class and all that jazz I’ve not seen. Anyway.

So i set about watching them in the order of release date because given a few of the interlocking story-lines at times i figured it would be sensible. Like i did when i watched a bunch of films for the Oscars, i wrote down my thoughts at the time so i can give a few quick fire thoughts now! I’ll list them in their order/the order i watched them.

Iron Man: Loved it! Super fun! Fun introduction to the tone of the films. I was fairly familiar with names and faces and things (happens if you’re on the internet long enough and everyone has seen these films except you) but stories not so much so it was still new to me! Lots of laughs, good story. Love a good origin story. There was lots of moments where i was like “woah that’s cool!”. Thought Pepper was quite a sort of typical comic book girl but it’s all fun! (also i know better now i’ve seen the other films).

The Incredible Hulk: Rather cheesy, but what superhero movie doesn’t have that! I zoned out a bit during all the dark monster smashing but overall i quite enjoyed it! It was interesting that they didn’t address the “becoming of” …well they did in a sort of mini-movie montage at the beginning…but more the “dealing with” which i think was probably a good move for this character. I knew Edward Norton didn’t carry on into The Avengers but i thought he was good! I think my favourite part was when he’d just been hit by gun blast after gun blast and explosions and helicopters had crashed into him and exploded and then 2 minutes later he bumped his head on the side of a cave and was really bothered by it!

Iron Man 2: Fun! Was a bit confused as to what to happening for a while i had to pause and check with somebody that i was understanding what was going on because i was too busy trying to figure things out than watching at some points! But yes i enjoyed it! Will take this opportunity to say looking out for Stan Lee’s cameos in all of these films has been a highlight! The after credits scene made me really excited this time haha! Shows i was getting into it at least!

Thor: Super cheesy but lots of fun! Lots of laughs! Enjoyed understanding the fun references to Hulk and Stark! I really like the whole Thor sort of world with Odin and Loki etc. I do remember saying at one point “HELL YEAH THOR IS THE COOLEST!” And hey! Hawk-Eye nice to meet you! Fun cast too! Love Stellan Skarsgard.

Captain America: Aw i loved it! Some rather gratuitous fighting at times but that’s what superhero films are for right? AWESOME cast! Think they have every actor in the world in this film! I adore Hugo Weaving and he was fab, kinda looked like the spawn of Darth Maul and The Mask. Really love Cap’s story, the whole history aspect to it! Interesting!

The Avengers: My exact quote here is “WOOOO! That was fun!! Hilarious and awesome all in one. Lovin’ it”. It’s possibly my favourite of all the films i watched i’m certainly looking forward to the second one out next month! Now i think about it i should really watch the trailers for that! The writing for this film was fantastic so much fun and such good banter! I really see why everyone adores Coulson too! He’s such a cute Captain America fan! Also i think my favourite moment of his was in..possibly the first Iron Man when he attaches an explosive to a door and turns his back to it with a proper little gangster pose while it detonates.

Iron Man 3: Poor was a bit ‘destroy everything he has and send him out into the cold’ this film. Same issue as with Iron Man 2 the plot doesn’t really make sense until about three quarters of the way through so i spent quite a lot of time a bit confused but i still enjoyed it. The twists were fun!

Thor 2: Okay this is up there with The Avengers. I really loved this. I’m not even sure why i loved it so much! I just got so into it, so much fun and lots of twists and turns. I spent quite a lot of time shouting at Loki with a mixture of love and frustration. I’ll say it again, i really love the whole Thor universe. I hope they do a third one soon.

Captain America 2: Had heard good things about this one! Again i really enjoyed it. Had some points where i was a bit confused again but it was a really interesting story and i caught on eventually. Also…so….when is Black Widow getting a film? She’s ace.

Guardians of the Galaxy: I did enjoy this, it was a lot of fun. I sort of likened it to if i had watched The Avengers without watching the other films before it. I’d have enjoyed it and it would have been fun but i wouldn’t have cared about the characters as much. I think for this film there were a lot of characters and stories to take in in a short space of time and by the time you’d decided who you could and couldn’t trust you were half way through. I got more into it towards the end though. Plus i really loved Groot. What an epic cast too!! Lee Pace being awesomely evil and Karen Gillan was pretty freaky too!

We could be taken at anytime. Any day, any minute. All we have is now.

Posted in Books, Films with tags , , , , , , , , , , , , on July 13, 2014 by Jess

So i’m having a bit of a “now i have time to watch films i meant to watch about 1000 years ago” time. Which is good! I finally watched The Host. I haven’t read the book by Stephanie Meyer so the story-line wasn’t overly familiar to me, quite an interesting idea though!

***Spoilers for the film (also some for Breaking Dawn where i make a small comparison)***

First of all i really do love Saoirse Ronan. I remember seeing her on a chat show and she’s terrific fun! I believe for a while she was probably most recognised for her role in Atonement (she does a very good job of making me dislike her in that…).

Brief summary for those who aren’t familiar. An alien race is taking over earth by inhabiting the bodies of humans, once you’re taken over that’s sort of it, done and dusted but Melanie (Saoirse’s character) has a strong will to survive so she still exists inside her head once “Wanderer” (later to be known as Wanda) has taken over her body. There’s still a few humans left (including some of Melanie’s friends and relatives) who are understandably distrusting of the new race and seek to destroy them (they can be identified by their glowing blue eyes) so when they discover the recently turned Melanie, things get complicated.


Okay so overall, i quite enjoyed this! Yeah there are one or two cheesy little moments…and i can imagine that some aspects such as Melanie and Wanda existing inside the same body and therefore almost sharing control of it at points was one of the things that would have come across well in the book and was maybe a bit difficult to adapt with the same amount of detail and emotion involved, but the point was made all the same.

I’m almost ashamed to admit that my interest did perk up a little once they sort of love triangle…square…awkwardness thing kicked off..i just thought that was quite an interesting situation. (If you can imagine 2 girls in one body liking two different guys….bit awkward).

The ending came down to a decision. Wanda was willing to be removed from Melanie so she could get her life back, under the condition she didn’t want to take over anyone else’s body therefore taking life from someone else, and she also didn’t want any of her own kind to be destroyed in order to save her.

This led to a…in my mind somewhat unsurprising (though apart from this i have only read/seen Twilight so i don’t claim to be able to predict Stephanie Meyer’s story-telling abilities) situation of…’oh…it’s okay…we just found this girl and she was going to die anyway but letting you take her over saved her to everything works out great’.’s lovely. But it’s one of those things that just comes out of nowhere. There was a similar situation with discovering that there were other humans and aliens living in harmony together at the very end of the film. I was mildly comparing it to the end of Breaking Dawn (of the Twilight series) where ‘oh good…here is another vampire child we happened to find that is like the one you are all worried about…this one’s fine so…no problems here any more’

But anyway yes! I thought it was an interesting idea and did enjoy it! I’d have to read the book to compare any differences there but if those of you out there have experienced both i’d love to know any differences/similarities involved!