Archive for clara oswald

Why did I choose this face?

Posted in Doctor Who, TV with tags , , , , , , , , , on October 21, 2015 by Jess

Blogging from my phone, this is a new one. So i apologise in advance for any formatting problems this causes and that it probably won’t be a very long post (that’s probably a blessing).

I haven’t really been keeping up with blogging about Doctor Who but there was a moment in the most recent episode that made me just want to high five everyone in the world, so i thought i would do a bit of a “how it’s going at the moment” post.

So far i have been really REALLY enjoying the episodes. I like that we don’t have all weird complicated background stories with Clara’s life…i like that she is getting quite smart and sassy but not enough to be better than the doctor…which sounds awful but i get a bit grumpy when everything suddenly gets all about the companion and they save the day more than the doctor does. Maybe that’s why I’m enjoying the Clara/Doctor dynamic right now because i like it much more when the companions are just ordinary yet extraordinary people..they don’t need to be immortal or secretly an alien or something like that, just awesome people.

Maybe that’s old fashioned of me, i don’t know.

The two-part episodes we’ve had so far have been great! When you end an episode wanting to see the next one that’s a good enough sign for me.

The latest episode with the vikings was a lot of fun. We come across episodes like this one every now and again where there’s quite a lot of comedy and everything seems a bit random and there’s some odd things like speaking baby and OH I SUDDENLY JUST HAPPEN TO HAVE THE SOLUTION TO EVERYTHING..but it’s Doctor Who! That’s the fun of it.

Now i must admit..i don’t watch Game of Thrones (don’t kill me) but i saw a lot of people excited that Maisie Williams was in this episode. I had no strong feelimgs either way really because i know nothing about her and haven’t really watched her in anything but she seemed great!

Okay the bit that made me want to high five everyone on the planet…this was the highlight of the episode for me…


The whole sort of sequence where the Doctor said he finally knew why he’d chosen his current face and how they weaved in Peter Capaldi having been in an episode with David Tennant…i just loved that.

I just thought…alright…that’s clever…bravo! And it totally works and it’s a lovely idea.

Plus Ten and Donna were probably my favourite combination so any excuse to see a bit of one of their episodes for me was a bonus.

I really think Peter Capaldi has grown as the Doctor in the series. I enjoyed his sort of sociopathic awkwardness at the beginning and I’m glad there are still elements of that but we’re seeing a lot more emotion and caring and things now which seems a lot more Doctor-like to me. Strange phrase because i suppose Doctor-like definition..however they make him. But you know what i mean!

Interesting seeing the clip for next week…does that mean Maisie Williams will be cropping up more? I suppose we’ll have to see.

Maximum extermination!

Posted in Doctor Who, TV with tags , , , , , , , , , , , , , , on September 20, 2015 by Jess

Woohoo! Doctor Who is back! I don’t know how much of this series i’ll end up blogging about but if it carries on the way it started i’m sure i’ll be wanting to talk about it quite a lot.

I’m glad we’re sort of getting a fresh-ish start with Clara and Twelve. Well it seems that way at least. Without the whole Danny thing. I liked the last series but it didn’t blow me away. There were some good episodes but i had my issues (i wrote about it HERE should you be so inclined), and as much as i like Jenna i’m glad we’ll be getting a new companion soon. I’d like to see a different dynamic with Twelve and someone else.

Saying that! I always loved Peter Capaldi as the Doctor, he carried a lot of the episodes, but i think he’s already stepped up this series. I know i can’t really make a judgement in 50 minutes but he seemed a bit more “doctor” whilst still keeping his somewhat cold-ness he brings to the personality..but without being too sort of aloof and indifferent.

ANYWAY back to “The Magician’s Apprentice”.


Okay so initially with parts of the episode i was a little skeptical and a *awkward face* that i tend to get sometimes when i think there’s a danger of cramming too many things that are a “big deal” into the episode. I thought, okay we’ve got Davros and a cool back-story okay i like this we’ve not seen him for a while (was the last time we saw him in that Ten episode with just about every companion ever? I forget its name), but oh gosh now we’ve got Missy too (who i’m still a bit back and forth with but i’ll say more in a moment) who’s just randomly back from the dead, oh and all the daleks too, oh the entire world is experiencing some crazy event right gotcha, OH and the whole planet of the daleks right okay.

BUT i actually really got into it and enjoyed it!

Had a great balance of different emotions and humour and if they were going to bring Missy back i’m glad they did it this way. I think i find it quite hard to see her as the sort of “The Master” character she’s supposed to be..and what she’s “died” twice now and not regenerated? I don’t know i think they just make up the rules in this show at times! But i think her character suits this “trouble-maker but still one of the good guys” a little more than full on baddie.

I’m excited for next week! I’m glad Davros is back since it’s been a good while since we’ve seen him and we’re getting a new element to him. It was interesting deciding whether the Doctor was going to save him or not and the idea that he was possibly in some way behind the “creation” of Davros.

That snake-man though?! Ewww! I’m quite glad for a genuinely creepy alien though…reminded me a bit of that old lady-turned-snake in Harry Potter. Ugh *shudders just thinking about her*.

Deep Breath to Death in Heaven

Posted in Doctor Who, TV with tags , , , , , , , , , , , , , , on November 12, 2014 by Jess

Doctor Who series 8! We welcomed Mr Peter Capaldi as Twelve! (or…whatever you call him..depends who you include)

I’m going to attempt not to turn this into a big post of boring waffle but here goes.


So overall…i did enjoy the series. I really like Capaldi’s Doctor. Being a big fan of Sherlock some moments were a bit surreal because he was VERY like him at times. I can appreciate some of that would probably be just me noticing generic things they both did but at some stages there were very clear similarities.

I must admit though i did have a feeling of indifference a lot of the time throughout the series. Nothing really sparked anything in me or made particularly care what was happening. What annoys me to some extent about the Moffat ways of Doctor Who (and for the record i actually really like Steven Moffat he wrote my favourite episodes of Sherlock and some fantastic episodes of Doctor Who and though he may be a bit of a strange character at times i do like him and definitely don’t go out of my way to look for mistakes in his work) is the tendency to have these big complex over-arching story-lines which drop into the episodes every now and again and just add to the confusion we already have.

Some episodes i’d be watching then completely lose track of what was going on because it would just get so confusing so i’d pretty much zone out and that’s my investment in the episode almost lost. So when you have an episode like that and some random part of the over-arching story-line comes in sometimes i had no idea what was what…was i supposed to pay attention to that? was it part of the episode story-line? will i know more about it later? who knows.

I also unfortunately found myself rather indifferent to Danny and Clara and their relationship, which probably added to my indifference overall. I feel if i’d have been more bothered about their relationships some moments would have been much more emotional for me.

BUT having said that! I promise this isn’t all negative! As i say i overall did enjoy the series. I really enjoyed the 2 part finale! Was interesting seeing the cybermen back (i love how Doctor Who just makes a big villain more threatening by giving it the ability to fly hahah) as for “The Master” or Missy or whatever you want to call her…i’ve been a bit back and forth.

It was a good story-line…there were moments when i thought it wasn’t a big enough story-line to have this be the big return for the Master but when you consider the plot and the timelord technology used etc. it made more sense. I was actually worried it was going to be River for a while and i think that would have been a bit too cheesy. I grew to “like” Missy over the episodes…she was completely bonkers which made me laugh a bit and i do like the hint towards ‘if we can’t have a female doctor we did the next best thing’.

I did enjoy the episodes like ‘Flatline’ and ‘Time Heist’ and also ‘Listen’ and ‘In the Forest of the Night’ were interesting. I will say though with that last one i got the fire-proof trees thing WAY before the Doctor did, he should have me on his team.

Also i have to say, i know it’s supposed to make us think about all life being important including aliens/the moon but let’s face it…if there was a possibility you would kill everyone on earth if you didn’t do something…you’d probably do it.

Anyway, i won’t waffle on i’m sorry if i didn’t make much sense this is mostly me typing a big stream of thought. I hope it didn’t sound too negative as i did enjoy most things. I think maybe Doctor Who needs to take a step in a new direction now, i know Clara may be around for the Christmas episode but i personally hope (as much as i like Jenna) she doesn’t continue much longer. Maybe a new companion or a new head writer would vamp things up a bit, because i think Capaldi has got a lot more to give.

Eleven’s hour is over now…

Posted in Doctor Who, TV with tags , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , on December 28, 2013 by Jess

Hello! sometime towards the end of January there will be a considerably less amount of stress and uni work over here…until the next lot pops up of course but…short post for now! But i couldn’t leave this out!

The Time of the Doctor!


I think i need a rewatch mostly….

The episode confused me..quite a lot. I mean..i pretty much understood what was going on but a lot of the time i just had to go “okay i’ll just accept this is happening whether it makes sense or not” haha! I enjoyed it though, poor Matt spending the majority of his last episode covered in prosthetic or whatever it is they use.

I was sort of confused about the whole growing old thing, i mean i know the 10th Doctor got old before but..if i remember correctly that was mostly the Master’s doing? I’d need to check that, but i sort of decided it was because it was his “last” form that he was aging. That’s not an official thing that’s just a theory. (Also the whole getting it to be that Eleven is the last regeneration thing was sneaky clever..i thought there was at least Capaldi left until we had to deal with that but of course there was John Hurt and then they used Ten’s regeneration-but-putting-all-the-energy-into-his-hand thing…..which i’d never really thought about but it’s fair enough!)

Many people (myself included) were happy to see Amy again! It was sweet! I know some felt it was a bit of a…putting Clara on a back step..which i get. Though i suppose i liken it a bit to the tenth Doctor going back to visit Rose last before regenerating..i know the relationship wasn’t exactly the same but it was clearly an important one! I’ll certainly look forward to seeing more of Clara with Twelve! Should be a lot of fun!

I know there was talk about the actual regeneration being a bit fast. I do understand this…it was…quite a powerful sneeze of regeneration i thought? HAHA!

I was worried for a moment because i thought once we saw him do the whole..explodey regeneration thing (to use the technical term there of course…) i thought Clara was going to head back into the TARDIS and just be faced with Capaldi. I didn’t want that. Was very happy to see lovely young Matt again for his last moments and he got an extremely beautiful final speech, especially knowing the relevance for both the Doctor and Matt at this point (and indeed any actor who has played him). I was interested to see Twelve appearing in Eleven’s clothes but i think it worked well..especially since he removed the bowtie…powerful moment!

But going back to the regeneration i think the whole slow face transition thing is quite important personally. I feel it’s sort of needed to feel all the emotion of them leaving…so we didn’t really get that…it was rather sudden. So i found that a bit sad but it didn’t bother me enough to hold a grudge over it or anything!

I’d love to know what you guys thought! I’ve seen many mixed reactions!

P.S. i loved that things were really well wrapped up for Matt’s Doctor! We got to see pretty much all of his biggest enemies from his series, we finally got a big moment for “silence will fall when the question is asked” and we got to see what was behind his hotel door!! Very clever!! =)

The clock is striking twelve…

Journey to the Centre of the TARDIS

Posted in Doctor Who, Sherlock, TV with tags , , , , , , on April 28, 2013 by Jess

So! What did we all think of this weeks Doctor Who episode?!

Two weeks ago i was theorising with a friend of mine and we saw that this particular episode was written by Steve Thompson, also known as…

‘You wrote The Reichenbach Fall (Sherlock: Series 2) and broke my heart into so many shattered pieces why would you do that?!’

He also wrong The Blind Banker from Sherlock: Series 1, which kind of seems to be widely thought of as the weakest episode. I do agree there, but it’s by no means bad at all! It’s brilliant! But lets face it, the show has such a super high standard…it’s hard to keep up! It might be the lack of Mycroft and Lestrade that does it, not that i’ve anything against Dimmock.

Anyway back to Who!

I admit i did spend the majority of the time rather confused but that’s the case with most Doctor Who episodes these days! Hehe! I wont waffle on about it because…mostly i have the memory of a fish and it was over a day ago, and plus i don’t want to get mountains of spoilers out there! You can see the link the to the finale “The Name of the Doctor” creep in there, and it was lovely to see some areas of the TARDIS we’d heard about before like the swimming pool and the library!

I’m still pretty convinced we wont actually learn the Doctor’s name in the finale episode, maybe it’ll be about him calling himself “The Doctor” or they’ll see his name or something but we’ll never hear it…i don’t know..i don’t really see Steven Moffat deciding it’s down to him to name him..but hey i could be wrong! I guess we’ll see!

I’m very much enjoying Clara! I’m told they named her after Elisabeth Sladen’s middle name which, if that’s true, is super lovely! Jenna Louise Coleman is really brilliant!

This episode especially i thought Matt Smith did an amazing job! He had a few more moments to be a bit more intense and i don’t know whether i was randomly noticing it this time, but his outfit was really lovely! Haha!

So yeah i enjoyed it overall! Always love interaction with the TARDIS she’s such a sassy lady! 😉